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How to install latest version of Google Earth on Ubuntu Linux

Google Earth lets you fly anywhere to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, galaxies in outer space, and the depths of the ocean.

 * Explore rich geographical content
 * Zoom from outer space to street level
 * Search for business locations
 * Visualize your GPS tracks and share with others
 * See 3D buildings and add your own models
 * Go back in time with historical imagery
 * Dive beneath the surface of the ocean

Installing Google Earth:
Download Google Earth to your home folder from here
Open the terminal from Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type following commands

    cd /home/nikesh
    chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin
    sudo sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin

Follow the on screen prompts to complete the installation.
You will see Google Earth icon on your desktop after the installation is complete.

At the same time it will also give you an option to launch it for the first time after the installation is complete.

Run Google Earth by selecting Applications > Internet > Google Earth.


Je suis flâneur said...

HEY WAIT A MINUTE - I did as you instructed, but the terminal gave:

mark@Lexington-19-Karmic:~$ cd /home/mark/Downloads
mark@Lexington-19-Karmic:~/Downloads$ chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin
mark@Lexington-19-Karmic:~/Downloads$ sudo sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin
[sudo] password for mark:
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux parser error : Document is empty

^ parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found

Couldn't load ''

DevOps said...

oh, looks like the setup file got corrupted, please download it again and try ...

Anonymous said...

same error here...

Anonymous said...

Latest version doesnt work with Ubuntu 10.10
It gives an error in setup.xml and there is no fix for it, yet.
Try to use the repository version at (version for lucis)

Anonymous said...

check this for ubuntu 10.10

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