"Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux® Systems Up To Date"

Michael Jang presents patching solutions for Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, Debian, and other distributions. He systematically covers both distribution-specific tools and widely used community tools, such as apt and yum. This book's streamlined patch management techniques minimize impacts on users, networks, and administrators, and address applications as well as the underlying OS. Whatever your role in managing Linux® systems, Linux Patch® Management will reduce your costs, enhance the availability of your systems, and dramatically improve your personal efficiency.
* The first start-to-finish guide to patching Linux® systems in production environments For Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, Debian, and other leading distributions
* Comprehensive coverage of apt, yum, Red Hat Network, YaST Online Update, Zenworks Linux Management, and other tools
* High-efficiency techniques that minimize impacts on networks, users, and administrators
* Consolidating patches on a Red Hat network, including cached updates, as well as patching systems based on RHEL rebuild distributions
* Working with SUSE's update systems, including YaST Online Update and Zenworks Linux Management
* Making the most of apt commands and the GUI-based Synaptic Package Manager
* Configuring apt for RPM distributions such as Fedora and SUSE Linux
* Creating repositories that can manage gigabytes of patches on diverse Linux® systems
* Updating networks of Linux computers without overloading WAN or Internet connections
* Configuring yum clients, including coverage of emerging GUI tools such as Yum Extender
By: Michael Jang. Published by Prentice Hall. Part of the Bruce Perens' Open Source Series.
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