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Baobab - Linux Graphical Disk Usage Analyzer

Baobab (Disk Usage Analyzer) is is a graphical, menu-driven application to analyze disk usage in any Gnome environment. Disk Usage Analyzer can easily scan either the whole file-system tree, or a specific user-requested directory branch (local or remote).

Baobab also auto-detects in real-time any changes made to your home directory as far as any mounted/unmounted device. Baobab also provides a full graphical tree-map window and a rings-chart for each selected folder.

With Baobab you can check the space each directory or sub-directory is using on you file system, the information is presented in absolute values as well as percentages, you can go as deep as you need in your directory structure.

There is also the possibility to scan a network disk, via Public FTP, FTP with Login, SSH, Windows Share, HTTP, HTTPS.

OpenSuSe user can install Baobab using "1-click" installer - here
After sucessfull installation go to terminal and type command: baobab to open up the application

Using  Baobab:
To start a full filesystem scan select Analyzer → Scan Filesystem from the menu, or press on the Scan Filesystem toolbar button.

When the scanning process ends up, you will get the full tree of your filesystem, like the one in the next Figure.

Baobab will display sizes in the directory tree as allocated space. This means that the displayed sizes refer to the actual disk usage and not to the apparent directory size. If you want to view the apparent file size, uncheck View → Allocated Space.

Remote scan
If you need to scan a remote server-folder, just click on the toolbar icon Scan Remote Folder or select Analyzer → Scan Remote Folder from the menu and you will get the following dialog box. Baobab can connect to a server through ssh, ftp, smb, http and https.


Anonymous said...

In Gentoo, it is included in the gnome-utils package:

walt said...

My search at OpenSuSe produced a no-find.

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