In addition, Exaile also includes a built-in SHOUTcast directory browser, tabbed playlists (so you can have more than one playlist open at a time), blacklisting of tracks (so they don't get scanned into your library), downloading of guitar tablature from, and submitting played tracks on your iPod to
Installation: Ubuntu
Users of Ubuntu Gutsy, Hardy or Intrepid can optionally use this repository. Add this line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
Gutsy: deb gutsy main
Hardy: deb hardy main
Intrepid: deb intrepid main
and then type the following:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install exaile
Installing from source:
1. The following pre-requisites are required to download, compile and build in Debian/Ubuntu
* bzr
* debhelper (>= 5)
* python-dev
* python-gtk2-dev
* buildtools
* gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
* python-gst0.10
* python
* python-gtk2
* python-glade2
* python-dbus
* python-pyvorbis
* python-mutagen
* python-pysqlite2 | python (>= 2.5)
* python-elementtree | python (>= 2.5)
* gstreamer0.10-plugins-base
To do this in a simple manner, copy the text above in a temporary file, remove the version strings and execute:
Another way to do the same would be to:
sudo apt-get build-dep exaile
Make sure that python-mutagen is installed otherwise exaile will have errors.
2. Check out the code from the bazaar repository
$ bzr checkout exaile
This will create a directory exaile/ and download the latest source code from /trunk
3. CD into the downloaded directory and build exaile
cd exaile
This will compile exaile
4. Install
sudo make install
5. Start the program by running exaile
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