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Stressful Application Test - Stressapptest

Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results or the system crashes.

Stressapptest is a user-space test, primarily composed of threads doing memory copies and directIO disk read/write. It allocates a large block of memory (typically 85% of the total memory on the machine), and each thread will choose randomized blocks of memory to copy, or to write to disk. Typically there are two threads per processor, and two threads for each disk. Result checking is done as the test proceeds by CRCing the data as it is copied.

Installing Stressapptest:
Download Stressapptest - here
Open the terminal and type following command to compile and install Stressapptest:
tar -zxvf stressapptest-1.0.4_autoconf.tar.gz
cd stressapptest-1.0.4_autoconf/
sudo make install
You must also have libaio.a, librt.a and support for pthreads.
These can be installed from packages: libaio-dev and libc6-dev
Using Stressapptest:
Open the terminal and type following command to start with the very basic stress tests:
This usually is not enough for a regular test, so you may want to pass some command line arguments in order to get a real test, check the man pages for more details.

Other Examples:
stressapptest -s 20 -M 256 -m 8 -C 8 -W
Allocate 256MB of memory and run 8 "warm copy" threads, and 8 cpu load threads. Exit after 20 seconds.

stressapptest -f /tmp/file1 -f /tmp/file2
Run 2 file IO threads, and autodetect memory size and core count to select allocated memory and memory copy threads.


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