Visitors is a very fast web log analyzer for Linux, Windows, and other Unix-like operating systems. It takes as input a web server log file, and outputs statistics in form of different reports. The design principles are very different compared to other software of the same type:
* Designed to be executed by the command line, output html and text reports. The text report can be used in pipe to less to check web stats from ssh.
* Support for real time statistics with the Visitors Stream Mode.
* To specify the log format is not needed at all. Works out of box with apache and most other web servers with a standard log format.
* It's a portable C program, can be compiled on many different systems.
* The produced html report doesn't contain images or external CSS, is self-contained, you can send it by email to users.
* Visitors is free software (and of course, freeware), under the terms of the GPL license.
Visitors Reports information
Visitors reports contain a number of useful information and statistics:
* Requested pages.
* Requested images.
* Referrers by hits and age.
* Unique visitors in each day.
* Page views per visit.
* Pages accessed by the Google crawler (and the date of google's last access on every page).
* Percentage of visits originated from Google searches for every day.
* User's navigation patterns (web trails).
* Key phrases used in Google searches.
* User agents.
* Weekdays and Hours distributions of accesses.
* Weekdays/Hours combined bidimentional map.
* Month/Year combined bidimentional map.
* Visual path analysis with Graphviz.
* Operating systems, browsers and domains popularity.
* 404 errors.
Visitors Installation:
Download Source code of version 0.7 (for Linux and all the other OSes) visitors-0.7.tar.gz
Open the terminal and type following command to compile visitors:
Using Visitors:
The simplest usage, to be used interactively when you have a web log to check (for example over ssh in your web server), just type following to produce an human readable output in text only.
Check the documentation for more information on how to use Visitors with various other useful options, you can find the copy of the Visitors doc in the visitors_0.7/ directory.
* Designed to be executed by the command line, output html and text reports. The text report can be used in pipe to less to check web stats from ssh.
* Support for real time statistics with the Visitors Stream Mode.
* To specify the log format is not needed at all. Works out of box with apache and most other web servers with a standard log format.
* It's a portable C program, can be compiled on many different systems.
* The produced html report doesn't contain images or external CSS, is self-contained, you can send it by email to users.
* Visitors is free software (and of course, freeware), under the terms of the GPL license.
Visitors Reports information
Visitors reports contain a number of useful information and statistics:
* Requested pages.
* Requested images.
* Referrers by hits and age.
* Unique visitors in each day.
* Page views per visit.
* Pages accessed by the Google crawler (and the date of google's last access on every page).
* Percentage of visits originated from Google searches for every day.
* User's navigation patterns (web trails).
* Key phrases used in Google searches.
* User agents.
* Weekdays and Hours distributions of accesses.
* Weekdays/Hours combined bidimentional map.
* Month/Year combined bidimentional map.
* Visual path analysis with Graphviz.
* Operating systems, browsers and domains popularity.
* 404 errors.
Visitors Installation:
Download Source code of version 0.7 (for Linux and all the other OSes) visitors-0.7.tar.gz
Open the terminal and type following command to compile visitors:
tar -zxvf visitors-0.7.tar.gzAfter this you should see visitor binary under the same directory.
cd visitors_0.7/
Using Visitors:
The simplest usage, to be used interactively when you have a web log to check (for example over ssh in your web server), just type following to produce an human readable output in text only.
visitors /var/log/apache2/access.log | lessTo generate html web stats with much more information you may use instead this:
visitors /var/log/apache2/access.log -o html > report.htmlIf you want information on the usage patterns for your site you must provide the url prefix of your web site, and specify the --trails option.
visitors -A -m 30 access.log -o html --trails --prefix > report.html
Check the documentation for more information on how to use Visitors with various other useful options, you can find the copy of the Visitors doc in the visitors_0.7/ directory.
Good job. Thanks for valuable article. Plagiarism detection
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