PeaZip supports many different archive and compression formats including: 7z, 7z-sfx, ARC/WRC, BZ2, GZ, LPAQ, PAQ, PEA, QUAD, split, TAR, UPX, ZIP; Read: 7Z, ARC/WRC, ACE, ARJ, BZ2/TBZ2, CAB, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZ/TGZ, ISO, JAR/EAR/WAR, LZH, NSIS, OOo, PAK/PK3/PK4, PAQ, PEA, PET/PUP, QUAD, RAR, RPM, SLP, split, TAR, U3P, WIM, XPI, Z/TZ, and ZIP/SMZIP.
PeaZip is developed in FreePascal using the Lazarus development environment.
PeaZip can be easily integrated with GNOME and KDE.
Features include:
* Volume spanning
* Compression
* Authenticiated encrpytion
o 7Z, with AES256 encryption
o ARC, with AES256, Blowfish, Twofish256 and Serpent256 encryption
o PEA, with AES256 authenticated encryption (EAX mode)
o ZIP with WinZip's AE encryption based on AES256
o ARC format protects archives against corruption employing recovery records
* Edit, save and restore archive layouts
* Apply multiple filters to archive contents
* Handle multiple archives simultaneously
* Split/join files
* Wipe files (secure deletion
* Compare, checksum and has files
* System benchmark
* Generate random passwords and key files
Installation of PeaZip:
PeaZip for openSUSE (PackMan)
PeaZip for Mandriva (MIB Mandriva Italia Backports)
Ubuntu/Debian (DEB)
Fedora (rpm)
After successful installation of PeaZip go to console and type command: peazip to open up the application
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